aventron acquires large battery in Germany

With the acquisition of a 5 MWh large-scale battery in Germany, aventron reaches an important milestone in the implementation of its storage strategy.

Storing electricity from wind and solar power plants for days or weeks is an essential complement to renewable electricity production. It enables volatility to be balanced and generation and load to be brought into line. aventron aims to steadily increase its available electricity storage volume. In doing so, aventron is focusing mainly on raising the dams at the water intakes of its small hydropower plants and the use of large batteries at its wind and solar power plants.

With regard to electricity storage, a first important project was completed last year with the raising of the dam at the Kvannvatn small hydropower plant in Mo I Rana, Norway. The raising of the dam by 3 m increased the storage volume by the equivalent of 1,195 MWh. With the acquisition of the Wölkisch large-scale battery, aventron is now also entering the field of battery storage.

The Wölkisch large battery has a peak output of 4.8 MW and a storage volume of 5 MWh. The battery is connected to the substation of the Wölkisch wind farm in Saxony. The aventron wind power plant Wölkisch with 12.3 MW installed capacity also feeds into this substation. The Wölkisch battery will initially be used for balancing power, i.e. as a reserve to compensate for fluctuations in the electricity grid.

aventron will use other large batteries in the future. It is expected that, above all, powerful ground-mounted solar power plants in Spain and Italy will be equipped with their own battery storage systems. This will make it possible to shift the excess energy produced during the day by a few hours into the evening.