aventron's Annual General Meeting approves the 2020 capital increase

At the 14th Annual General Meeting on 16 April, the General Meeting approved a further capital increase. The existing share capital of CHF 43,728,575.00 will be increased by a maximum of 6,200,000 new registered shares with a par value of one franc. The registered shares will be issued at an issue price of CHF 10.50 per share. The shareholders' equity will thus increase by a maximum of CHF 65.1 million. The issue prospectus can be obtained from the company.

Annual result and dividend

aventron was able to present its shareholders with a very successful financial year. In 2019, the aventron Group as a whole generated a positive result after taxes and minorities of CHF 13.0 million (previous year: CHF 10.2 million). This corresponds to earnings per share of CHF 0.30. At CHF 32.4 million, the operating result (EBIT) is 15 % higher than in the previous year. In relation to net sales, the EBIT margin is 31.6 (30.7) percent.  The shareholders, who voted in writing and represented a total of 92.5 percent of the share votes, approved the annual report and the 2019 financial statements without any dissenting votes. The general meeting followed the proposal of the board of directors and decided to distribute a dividend of 0.26 Swiss francs per share (previous year 0.25 Swiss francs).


The current members of the Board of Directors, Dr. Conrad Ammann (Chairman), Priscilla Leimgruber, Martin Schaub, Michael Stalder, Beat Huber, Nicolas Wyss and Daniel von Moltke were confirmed for a further term of office until 2021.